Selling online has never been so simple

What We Do

For a nominal fee we will set up your seller's account; make sure you get the right images; write searchable product descriptions that will help sell your products; assist with pricing and upload all the correct information to list your products on those online shopping platforms which will give you the best results.

Thereafter, we manage all aspects of your seller's account. No hassles or headaches for you! We even provide the necessary on-site training to ensure that you dispatch your products properly and on time to the fulfilment centres of the various online retailers and ecommerce platforms.

For a small and agreed percentage of your sales, we manage all of the essential functions which allow you to sell your products on ecommerce platforms like Takealot; Loot; Zando; 1 Day Only; Makro etc. This includes managing all orders and dealing with customer queries, as well as setting up and running various promotions, such as daily deals, to increase sales.

Regular payments will be made into your bank account. In addition to having your own personal EnterAfrica accounts manager, we will provide you with a detailed report, on a monthly basis, specifically tailored to your business needs and which deals with all the relevant aspects of the business.

This will allow us to make recommendations to boost your sales. Further, it will allow you to be fully informed of every aspect of your online business. All of this at no cost to you! Only an agreed share of the profits!

So, if you are interested in taking your existing business to another level, or, if you are able to source product from a reliable supplier at the right price, contact us and we can get started! No business is too big or too small! We are highly flexible and our talented team will have no problem coming up with a business plan tailored specifically to satisfy your needs!

Preferred Ecommerce Platforms

One Day Only

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