Always on the go, our funky GM is never short of a smile! Forever ready to assist, Chantal always has her finger on the pulse of the business. Fully bilingual, she manages both the EnterAfrica Staff and oversees all the seller accounts without missing a beat!
Apart from managing the day to day running of EnterAfrica, Chantal’s speciality is improving and developing core systems to ensure continual growth in sales. She can do this through her thorough understanding of how each online shopping platform works and the solid relationships she has built up over the years with those platforms, together with the personnel that work for them.
Nothing gets past this sharp lady who always has the best interests of all our sellers at heart. EnterAfrica is truly blessed to have Chantal!
Despite gaining 21 distinctions on the way to her BCom degree in Financial Management, Storme is nothing like your average bean counter! Efficient in the extreme, this friendly addition to the EnterAfrica team deals with probably the most important part of your online business…. the money!
Storme also plays an integral part in growing each seller’s account by providing accurate but easy to read financial reports each month. These reports not only allow each of EnterAfrica’s sellers to balance their books but allow the seller (with the assistance of EnterAfrica) to formulate future plans for success!
Let Storme’s passion for numbers grow your ecommerce business with EnterAfrica!
Matt has both a Higher Certificate in Business Principles and Practices, together with a BCom degree, majoring in Accounting and Finance. These qualifications, in addition to Matt's IT expertise, more than qualify him to manage the majority of the ecommerce seller accounts across multiple ecommerce platforms.
His highly tuned analytical skills make him ideally suited to this important position to ensure that the ecommerce seller accounts with EnterAfrica not only increase in sales but, most importantly, in profitability.